Recover and Train Like our Professional Athletes

Canyon Lake Chiropractic and Physical Therapy is your premiere rehabilitation and chiropractic care clinic located in Las Vegas, Nevada.


  • As a professional mixed martial artist, I beat my body up for a living. More often than not, the intensity of my training regimen manifests itself in my neck and back, making it more difficult for me to stick to the program and properly prepare to fight. For the last two years, Dr. Savatgy has used his chiropractic skills and ART techniques to keep me tuned up and training at my peak. Regular sessions at Canyon Lake Chiropractic and Physical Therapy in the weeks leading up to an event keep me on the mat, where I need to be, so that I can perform at the high level required to progress in such a competitive and demanding sport. From the first appointment, he helped me work the kinks out of my oft-abused neck. Dr. Savatgy is an integral part of my formula for success.
    Ryan Couture
    Professional Mixed Martial Artist
  • I recently received treatment from Dr. Savatgy for a pulled glue hamstring. Before the visit, I wasn’t able to run a step. With one treatment he had me running again, and as quick as two treatments later, I was back at high performance. ART is one of the most effective treatments that anyone can use on their body to quickly recover from an injury. I am a huge believer and I will always send my athletes and friends to Dr. Savatgy!
    Sylvia Mosqueda
    World Champion Pro Runner and 5 time Olympic qualifier
  • There are not enough positive words that can be said about Canyon Lake Chiropractic And Physical Therapy! I started seeing Dr. Nick after 3 months of not being able to run and being mistreated by another clinic. He was able to relieve my pain and get me moving again. After diagnosing the problem and doing what he could, he then referred me to Dr. Eric for dry needling. Just wow!! Dr. Eric had me up and running in no time . . . and not just running, but training for a half marathon that I eventually crushed. There is no way I would have been able to do this without their assistance. Thanks doctors!
    Harmony W.
    Runner/Strength Coach
  • With such a busy schedule it can be hard to find a place that cares about what they do and the quality of their work, that's why I was thankful Canyon Lake made it so easy for me to keep coming back for my Chiro and Physical Therapy needs. After my car accident, I was overwhelmed with different appointments looking for answers and solutions to all my new problems and since day one I felt relieved because they listened to me and help put what I was feeling into words and also into a plan of action. 3+ months later and I can tell you now, I am feeling better and on a path to normalcy once again. If you're looking for a place that cares and makes you feel at home then you have found the right office! I recieved chiropractic care, laser treatment, graston, traction, massages, dry needling and physical therapy. Thank you Dr. Klein and Dr. Cohen + the rest of the amazing staff for an amazing road to recovery, you're the best!
    Jason Camacho
    Car crash victim and patient of Dr. Klein
  • I was involved in a car accident in July 2021. I'm a young, healthy and fit girl but I couldn't recover on my own. I have been afraid to go to the chiropractor for 32 years so I tried to avoid it. Desperation kicked in and I made an appointment with Dr. Corey. Still terrified, I hobbled into the office and I immediately felt relaxed, educated and included to where I was part of my care-team. I expected a long downtime, but after a few short months with Dr. Corey, my neck and back are so much better! I absolutely recommend his care for any post accident or personal injury! I will continue seeing him for wellness checks and adjustments!
    Elizabeth H.
    Car crash patient and Health & Confidence Coach
  • Dr. Cohen is AMAZING! I signed up for a 35 mile trail running race, but sprained my calf while training two months before the race. After a few sessions with Dr. Cohen, along with his wellness and exercise advisement, I was able to start back on my training plan. I completed my 35 mile race pain free! I will definitely continue seeing him for preventative care and maintenance. I highly recommend him to friends and other athletes!
    Amelia R.
    Runner and patient of Dr. Cohen


An Overview of Physical Therapy Exercises

June 28, 2024
Do You Need a Referral for Physical Therapy in Nevada? Find Out Now!
Do you need a referral for physical therapy in Nevada? Get the answers you need and start your recovery journey. Click here to learn more!
June 17, 2024
Physical Therapy in Las Vegas
Get superior physical therapy in Las Vegas for pain relief and mobility. Schedule your consultation today and feel the difference!
June 5, 2024
When to Go to Physical Therapy After a Car Accident: A Guide
Learn when you should go to physical therapy after a car accident. Get expert advice and book your first appointment today!
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